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WHAT: Penny Wars


WHO:  Addison Students


WHERE:  Addison Elementary School 


WHEN:  Winter (Watch for updates via CTLS Communication and AESF homepage) 


WHY:  Penny Wars is a weeklong fundraiser geared towards the children donating directly to the Foundation. The kids fundraise via a grade level competition wherein they donate to their grade level while “sabotaging” other grade levels.  Donations are primarily used to replenish playground equipment. 


Penny Wars FAQs 


1. What are the rules?  

Each grade level has a red bucket in the front hallway.  When students enter school each day during Penny Wars Week they will compete. One cent is equal to one point.  Students will put dollars and pennies in their grade level bins to receive points, while they will sabotage other grade levels by placing silver coins (nickels, dimes and quarters = negative points) in their competitions’ bins.  


2. How do I prepare for Penny Wars?  

Have your student start collecting spare change now!  It is never too early to start preparing.  


3. Where and when will Penny Wars occur? 

Penny Wars occurs in the front hallway at Addison Elementary School. Please see the school calendar and/or AESF’s home page for updates. Donating occurs each morning between 7:15 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. over the course of a week.   


4. How can parents help? 

The Foundation needs two to three volunteers to set up each morning and watch the kids as they donate.  Please fill out the volunteer survey on the Foundation’s “Get Involved” tab.  You will receive emails with volunteer opportunities.  


5. Anything else I should know? 

Be on the lookout for daily communication throughout the event via CTLS and our social media. The students love this fundraiser, make sure you follow the Foundation on social media to see student pictures posted daily!

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